May Day! Mae Day! Lessons for April 29 - May 3

The week begins in April, but we can't wait until May! 

On Monday, April 29 

Abby will read a couple of lovely gardening books, including Lola Plants a Garden and Green Green: a Community Gardening Story. There will be some planting in our rain garden as well as some planting to take home! A wonderful, earthy day to take us out of April ...

and into MAY!

The merry month of May begins this week - Wednesday is May first! Or, it WAS May first until we decided it was better off MAE first! Today, we celebrate the small but mighty human Mae. We will make sure to have her favorite table choices, and her favorite stories to share. Welcome to the first annual Mae Day!

When Susan's child Emma was little, she started announcing "Emma Carpenter Days" on a random maybe twice-yearly basis. Infrequently enough that it was special, but not that built up in her expectations. I would just casually announce in the morning that in checking the calendar I had found that it was EC Day, and how would she like to spend it? Skip school? check. McDonald's for breakfast AND lunch? check and check. My mama would do a version of this, too - it's my favorite memory of us together. I hope this serves as inspiration to make special events for your child, even as they grow older, instead of always taking everything so seriously. In the end, it's this stuff they will remember.

May 3rd is World Sun Day. Such a day deserves its own song, so we are going to try to learn "Mr. Golden Sun," with all the hand motions. The children are participating so much at circle time as the year comes to an end. We will end the morning with a Sun Saluation, of course. 


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